Rose 'Tranquility' 3Gal Austin Pure White


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The English Musk Roses are notable for the perfection of their flowers and ‘Tranquillity’ lives up to this reputation. The flowers are of a beautifully rounded shape with neatly placed petals, making up perfect rosettes. The opening buds are lightly tinged with yellow but as the flowers open they become pure white. There is a light apple fragrance. It has typical light green Musk Rose foliage and is almost thornless. A very healthy variety.

The growth is vigorous, bushy and upright, gradually curving outwards at the top to provide us with an excellent garden shrub. It can be used for bedding, but is most effective in a mixed or rose border.

Very florifereous and notable for the perfection of its flowers.

  • Moderate fragrance
  • Highly Recommended by David Austin Roses
  • Bred by David Austin
  • Suitable for zones 5 to 9
  • Good disease resistance