Hosta - Proven Winner Shadowland Wheee - 1 Gallon


(Plantain Lily)

Zone 3

Partial Shade/Shade

(Proven Winner Variety! Sold in PW pots. One of the most popular perennials for the shade gardens. Hostas offer an amazing palette of colours, sizes and textures. They can be used in beds and containers. Please note for height - the number in brackets is the height of the bloom scapes, the number outside is the foliage height.

Extremely ruffled, cream-coloured margins extend from the tip of each green leaf all the way down the petiole to the crown. This ruffled margin is evident even in the juvenile stage of the plant before vernalization. The.eaves of this medium sized Hosta are of excellent substance, making them slug resistant in the landscape.

Flower Colour - Purple

Leaf Colour - Green/gold

Bloom Time - July-August

Height - 15” (24”)

Space - 24”