Phlox panticulata Baby Doll White
(Tall Garden Phlox)
Zone 4
Full Sun
Spectacular in the summer, Garden Phlox is sometimes known as the backbone of the perennial garden. Sweetly scented flower clusters on stiff upright stems make them a good cut flower. Attracts butterflies.
Baby Doll Series. If you liked the early bloom time of Fashionably Early Phlox, but just need something shorter, ‘Baby Doll’ is your answer! At just a foot tall, this perennial is easy to tuck into small spaces in the garden or for use in containers. Flowers form a mass of blooms on top of the dark green foliage. Sheering back nearly to the ground after it’s done blooming will encourage rebloom.
Flower Colour - White
Leaf Colour - Green
Bloom Time - July-August
Height - 12-16”
Space - 14”