Monarda didyma Grand Parade
(Bee Balm)
Zone 4
Full Sun/Partial Shade
Bee Balm is traditional favourite for the perennial border, with a striking display of richly-coloured flowers through the summer months. Foliage is delightfully fragrant. Powdery mildew may be a problem in summer. A favourite of both butterflies and hummingbirds. Bee Balm spreads quickly; reduce clump in early spring. Garden selections all have been bred from native North American wildflower species. Good heat tolerance. Flowers are edible.
Large shaggy, lavender-purple flowers. Foliage is fragrant and more resistant to powdery mildew than other varieties.
Flower Colour - Purple
Leaf Colour - Green
Bloom Time - July-August
Height - 16-18”
Space - 20-23”