Hemerocallis Happy Returns
(Common Daylilies)
Zone 3
Full Sun/Partial Shade
These hardy perennials have large and attractive blooms that are similar to lily flowers. They are easy to grow, many of the forms are tolerant of almost neglect and will be seen thriving in a neglected garden long after most of the other cultivated perennials species have been choked out by native plants. All parts of the plants are edible though it is the flower that are most frequently used. Daylilies also have a number of other uses and, all in all, deserve to be a standard plant in edible and ornamental gardens.
Dwarf variety, 3” blooms in a soft-yellow shade. Flowers consistently from May to frost.
Flower Colour - Yellow
Leaf Colour - Green
Bloom Time - May-frost
Height - 35-40”
Space - 45”