Iris Ensata Dinner Plate Tiramisu - 1 Gallon


(Japanese Iris)

Zone 4

Full Sun/Partial Shade

Nearly every gardener who sees Japanese iris in bloom wants to try them. The huge blossoms can be dinner plate size, but 6-8” is common. They require neutral to acidic soil, and lots of moisture until blooming time is over. Plants will be happy at the waterside, and can be even grown in pots sitting in water. 
The wide, speckled blooms of Iris ensata Dinner Plate Tiramisu are quite exquisite! Each bloom boasts white petals, edged with a mauve Picotee margin, reaching up to 15cm (6”) across The upright stems and slender, grassy foliage bring a lovely vertical element to planting schemes that adds movement and texture. With a neat clump-forming habit, this hardy perennial makes a superb addition to a damp border or the moist soil at the edge of a pond.

Flower Colour - White/mauve

Leaf Colour - Green/cream

Bloom Time - June-July

Height - 32”

Space - 18”