Barberry ‘Emerald Carousel’


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Berberis thunbergii Emerald Carousel ('Tara') - A wide, arching shrub with green foliage, outstanding neon red-orange fall color and shapely growth habit; great for small to medium sized hedges, forms an impenetrable barrier. They have shallow, fibrous roots and grow about 1-2' per year. Prune in spring. Use Bone Meal when you first plant. Do not fertilize the first year. Fertilize once a year with a balanced granular fertilizer. Do not plant any deeper than it is in the pot. Do not add any soil or mulch around the base of the stem. Water deeply once a week for about 20-30 minutes whether is rains or not. Plant at least 3-4 feet from any foundation.

Zone 3. 1.2m  W x 1.2m H. Rounded, multi-stemmed shape. Yellow flowers in April and May. Red fruit on dark green foliage turning a red-orange colour in the fall. Full sun. Moist, well drained soil. 3Gallon.

Attracts pollinators. Deer resistant.