Aimers Organic Herb Parsley Moss Curled Seed Packet


Leaves are finely cut, curled and broad with an appealing dark green colour. Great finely chopped in salads or used whole as a garnish. Moss curled parsley also has its place as an edible ornamental - it's especially useful in sunny containers when combined with flowering edibles such as nasturtiums. Approx. 750 seeds per pack.

Sow seed in several stages every two weeks from May to July - choose a sunny site with average soil.  Seed should be sown 6 mm (1/4") deep in rows 40 cm (16") apart. Be patient as parsley seed can take up to three weeks to sprout. Avoid crusting over the soil as this will greatly reduce the number of seedlings that emerge. To aid in germination of seed and help keep the soil evenly moist, lay burlap over the seedbed - remove as soon as the first seedlings appear. Thin seedlings to 10 cm (4") apart after germination. Keep parsley well weeded, water regularly and lightly feed with a high nitrogen fertilizer several times during the season.