Weigela ‘Crimson Kisses’
Weigela x Date Night Crimson Kisses - Crimson Kisses Weigela (BE) - This rebloomer will make you feel loved all summer long, as you enjoy extended flowering time. Low to no maintenance required for this beautiful landscape or patio star. Weigela's have a shallow root system of 12". They will reach their max height in just a few seasons. Prune in spring after it's done flowering. Plant 4' away from any foundation. Water deeply once a week for 20-30 min. Use Bone Meal when you first plant and don't fertilize for the first two years. Fertilize once a year in spring with a balanced fertilizer.
Zone 4. 120cm W x 120cm H. Rounded shape. Red flowers in May and June. Insignificant fruit on dark green foliage turning an insignificant fall colour. Full sun. Adaptable soil. 2Gallon.
Attracts Butterflies, Hummingbirds, and Pollinators. Deer resistant.