Elodea Oxy Hardy Bagged Cuttings
Elodea canadensis is a very hardy and adaptable species. It grows extremely fast and rapidly propagates vegetatively. This plant has also an opportunistic nature for obtaining nutrients. In addition, its life cycle favors cool temperatures, and a number of mechanisms that enhance photosynthetic efficiency, which allow it to thrive.
- Plant size: The plant’s height is dependent on the depth of water surrounding it. In the wild, it can attain a massive height of up to 6 ft (2 m). In aquariums, this plant features a height of 10 – 20 inches (20 – 50 cm).
- Structure: Leaves are densely packed along stems. Elodea canadensis has 3 leaves in the whorls and lacks marked leaf serrations. It also feels smooth when handled in the water. The internodes become shorter towards the apex.
- Leaf shape. It is very variable in Elodea canadensis. The leaves can range from ovate to linear-oblong, ovate, and occasionally linear-lanceolate. Leaf apices are broadly acute or obtuse. The angle at the leaf apex is greater than 45º.
- Leaf size. The leaves are relatively short and range from 0.4 to 0.8 inches (1 – 2 cm) and 0.08 – 0.2 (2 – 5 mm) in width.
- Flowers: Elodea Canadensis has also large, attractive white flowers with 3 petals (9-12 mm long) and the presence of ‘double nodes’. Male flowers reach the surface on slender, fragile pedicels. Female flowers are floating and attached.
The flowers of Elodea canadensis are usually borne singly in the axils of leaves and are scattered along the stem in a loose indeterminate inflorescence. The plant is not self-fertile.
In nature, it flowers from May to October, and the seeds ripen from July to October. - Color. The color variation depends on light intensity and/or nutrient status
of the water and/or substrate. Elodea canadensis becomes dark green if does not have enough light and green under optimal conditions. - Growth form. Elodea canadensis can grow only submersed (rotted or floating).