Miscanthus Little Miss
1 Gallon Pot
Zone 4-5
Full Sun/Partial Shade
One of the showiest of the grasses. Large or short, it is grown for its vertical or mounding habit and showy, fluffy panicles that are so striking in late summer and fall. Fond of moist sites.
This series sports a neat, compact habit with glossy, arching foliage. The blades emerge green and transition to carmine and purple tones late spring through summer. Foliage at the center of the clump stays green, giving it an appealing, two-toned look. Reddish blooms appear in mid-summer, rising above the foliage and turning buff-coloured as they age. Fall colour is outstanding; an excellent alternative to ‘M Purpurascens’ when space is limited.
Flower Colour - Tan-white
Leaf Colour - Green
Bloom Time - August
Height - 24” (36”)
Space - 15”