Anemone sylvestris Snowdrop
1 Gallon Pot
Zone 3
Partial Shade
Delicate nodding while flowers appear in late spring and early summer, over a low mound of ferny foliage. Plants will form a dense patch, suitable for a ground cover. Makes a useful over-planting for Narcissus or tulips, the Anemone leaves helping to disguise the bulb foliage in summer. Both the flowers as well as the fluffy seed heads are useful for cutting. Allow this spreader plenty of room, or plan to edge each spring to keep the patch to a reasonable size. Easily divided in spring or fall. Fragrant, vigorous grower, beautiful 2” pure white blooms. Excellent groundcover. Rabbit resistant.
Flower Colour - White
Leaf Colour - Green
Bloom Time - May-June
Height - 8-12”
Spead - 24”