Amaryllis Kits - Red Lion

$13.19 $21.99

Scarlet-red blooms to liven up your winter décor
Extend your love of lush, luxuriant flowers by forcing amaryllis bulbs indoors. This one, our brilliant Red Lion variety, flowers 8-10 weeks after planting, yielding funnel-shaped, 16 cm blooms that are perfect for brightening up those dull days of winter. These attention-getting, scarlet-red flowers boast wide perianths and are gorgeous in bouquets and floral arrangements. Amaryllis will bloom year after year with proper care.

  • Hardiness Zone 3-10
  • Lift in Fall 3-9
  • Flowering Time Wintertime as a house plant.
  • Flower Color Big scarlet red blooms
  • Flower Form16 cm funnel shaped with large perianths.
  • Foliage Type Wide strap-like fleshy leaves begins its growth during and after flowering.
  • Height/Habit 45 cm
  • Planting Instructions Plant with 1/3 of the bulb above the soil line.
  • Light Requirements Full Sun, Partial Shade
  • Soil Requirements Well drained
  • Will Tolerate Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
  • Watering Requirements Water sparingly until the bulb develops leaves or flowers, then water more when necessary.
  • Fertilization Requirements Once per year
  • Pruning Remove spent flower stalk after blooming. Allow foliage to dry out before removing to allow energy to be stored in the bulb for next year's bloom.
  • Winter Care Flowering during the winter period.