Aimers International Eggplant Green Punjab (Baingan Bharta) Seed Packet


Green Punjab Eggplant. Variety originated in India. Strong spineless plants produce large, slightly elongated green fruit weighing between 200-300g (7-11oz). The flesh is very soft and typically used mashed in vegetarian curry dishes.

Light Requirement: Full Sun
Planting Method: Start Indoors
Growth Habit: Sturdy
Days to Emergence: 7 - 14
Days to Harvest 80
Height: 75cm (30in)

Start seeds indoors in a sterile medium 8-10 weeks before plant out time. Soak seeds for 24 hours in tepid water before sowing. Grow seedlings under bright light with warm temperatures of 24-26 C (75-80 F) then harden off before transplanting out to a sunny site after all danger of frost has passed. Stake plants for extra support. Keep soil evenly moist. When harvesting fruit, cut the stem off 2.5cm (1in) above the fruit. Best flavour is found with firm fruit that has a glossy shine – dull skin is often an indication that the fruit is overripe.